
List of Exhibits: 


A Central Broward Water Control District Boundary Area
B Submittal Requirements For Stormwater Management Permit Approval
C Check List for Applicants
D 100-Year Flood Elevation Map
E 10-Year Flood Elevation Map
F Florida Department of Transportation 3-Year Storm Zone 10
G Exfiltration Trench System
H Headwall Detail
I Typical Perimeter Berm Detail
J General Notes
K Construction Tolerances
L-1 District Form/Subdivider’s Completion Agreement (Letter of Credit)
L-2 District Bond Form/Subdivider’s Completion Bond
M District Release of Bond (Letter of Credit)
N-1 Canal Easement Agreement
N-2 Canal Maintenance Easement Agreement
N-3 Drainage, Flowage and Storage Easement Agreement
N-4 Lake Maintenance Easement Agreement
N-5 Drainage Easement Agreement
N-6 Ingress/Egress Easement Agreement
O District Variance Sign Detail
P Maintenance Agreement
Q Application for Permit
R Boat Ramp Detail
S Dock and Deck Agreement
T Suggested Wetland and Aquatic Plants and Planting Depth Ranges
U Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council’s 2011 List of Florida’s Most Invasive Species
V Stormwater Certification Report
W Checklist of Single Family Homes Plan Approval
X Sample Problem: Bleed Down Time for Retention Systems
Y Wetland Planting Sign
Z Surface Water Management Designation and Declaration of Restrictive Covenant
AA Water Management Works Permit
